As a team we created a huge database system which has 16 different Entities and 8 different Relation, after that we created a basic html-css website and we used php to connect with database. The website basically on CRUD operations, creating, reading, updating and deleting datas by using SQL queries and php.
Actually, I think it does not need any explanation because you must be in the website if you read this but the website get its' data from a database which is created by Firebase, it has an admin system to add projects, the admin system has an authentication system(if you try to go /admin you cannot see anything about the admin panel). It is created by using React and Javascript, all pages and the navbar is responsive you can use it in any device.
This is a small game for learning some 3D physics, basically you just driving a car in a track with obstacles and the speed of the car is increasing, the main purpose is taking points while driving and if you crash to somewhere then you lose and I created this game with using a udemy course but the track design belongs to me.
As a team we created a quiz game by using sockets in C#. Basically the game created by a server which is developed by us and if there is enough players join to the server, the game can start, gamers are also sockets who join with their IP’s and names, after game begins server asks each player same question and wait for their answers and the game is continue until the number of questions are finished, when the game is over server shows the stats list and the winner, the server can start the game again and again and clients can join to new games.
I created a website for a construction company by using Wix, I used Wix for this website because it is easier for the workers who wants to change style or add data to site without asking my help.
This was a homework from the CS300-Data Structure Course, I got 100, I created a random maze generator by using C++, basically the program takes input for maze size then creates a maze which has only one exit and begin part and then it finds the unique route from beginning to end
Analyzed and collected data for Bitcoin’s price prediction, used Phyton to visualize, doing statistical works and machine learning to predict the price.
• Developed a social media application with Dart software language Flutter platform, and Google Firebase for database with a team. And it is almost ready to publish in Play Store and App Store.• The application has a walkthrough so the users can understand how to use when they first opened it.• The application has register and login pages.• The users have their own profiles, followers, posts and users can post photos and these photos are kept in firebase.
This was the biggest project I ever did. As a team, we learned everything from zero both for frontend and backend. The project was wanted from the TFF(If they liked any project they would buy it.)and each team created a functional complicated website, and Our team was in the top 5 out of 44 teams. The website has a lot of different futures, it is fully authenticated. It has dynamic routes. It has an referee assignment algorithm for board members, Admin panel for the admins and etc. Please check it from the project link.
Created Identity keys, then created one SPK and 10 OTK's for one time encryption. Sent these OTK public and SPK public keys to the authenticated server. Whenever someone send a message to client, they must use receiver's one of OTK and SPK. It is like a basic version of WhatsApp communication system.
This was a homework from the CS300-Data Structure Course, I got 100, The program sorts data with four different sorting ways, insertion sort, merge sort, quick sort, heap sort, then it takes a search input from the user and it starts to find this input in sorted data by using two different search ways, sequential search and binary search, then it compares all of these functions speed.
This is a web game, which is available on this site, it based on guessing a random number, it has three levels and each level is harder than the lower levels, the system keep your score in the database so that you can see your best score. I used javascript and react for the frontend part and for the backend I used google firebase
Developed an alternative 4-Wheel vehicle model by using MATLAB for Sabancı Motorsport racecar with a group. Customized the result vehicle model to improve, 4-Wheel Steady State Modelling of a Racecar at Sabancı Motorsport Team.
This is a small game for learning some 2D physics, basically you just pulling and releasing triangles to hit a ball which is on the top of tower and Originally I learned this game from a udemy course but for practice I created a similiar game.
This was a homework from the CS300-Data Structure Course, I got 100, The program creates two different search engines with same data, one of them created with hash and the other created by binary search tree, then when user enters a data to search both engines try to find it and program shows their speed.
This was a homework from the CS300-Data Structure Course, I got 100, The program is basically creates two different notebooks with same data, first notebook is created by using binary search three and the second one created by AVL tree, then it takes inputs from the user and compares these two notebooks' speed while they are working with given input